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Visit Andalucia



The is a beautiful historic city and has plenty to offer.You can enjoy beautiful sights, the nice weather, the Orange and palm trees, delicious tapas, shops,ancient culture and flamenco music.

​A walk through Seville is a walk through the history: of the Moorish influence in the middle ages to the pinnacle of Spanish colonialism and the wealth that that entailed. There is a lot to do and see in Seville.


In recent years tourism in Huelva is an  important factor but uncontrolled mass tourism is to be avoided.

Here no towering hotel flats and packed beaches, but typical Spanish houses, quiet beaches with lively terraces, lots of nature, but also space for sports.

There are many opportunities for water sports and golf.

​Near Huelva is the harbour town of Palos de la Frontera.

Nowadays here to see replicas of his ships, the Niña and the Pinta the Santa Maria.

Within walking distance lies the monastery of La Rábida, where he prepared his voyage of discovery.

Rio Tinto

It is the Andalucian region in the province of Huelva. Long before the river was in searched for silver, iron, copper and gold, while now scientists search for proof that life is possible without oxygen and sunlight deep underground

The area is unique from the perspective in that all scenic splendor is here, had it not been for human hands being involved. Were it not for the fact that, thanks to the rich soil, the river water and all it touches produces the most wonderful colors.

​The history goes back more than five thousand years which gave the landscape an additional surreal touch.

La Romería de El Rocío.

The pilgrimage of El Rocío, is a popular religious manifestation in honour of the Virgin of El Rocío who continue in the province of Huelva in Andalusia. The pilgrimage is celebrated at the end of the week of Pentecost Sunday. The Virgin in the chapel of El Rocío.

The brotherhood of Almonte is responsible for the Organization of worship during the pilgrimage.

​After the journey on foot, on a horse, on a car or on a carriage, running through the National Park of Doñana is an immense group of pilgrims at the gates of the chapel where the group on the night of Sunday to Monday (Pentecost) continues the image of the Virgin in procession carried around on the shoulders.

The route runs along the different fraternities where the priests, along with the inhabitants of the village, pray.

Doñana National Park

The area lies in two provinces, Huelva and Seville, and forms a natural barrier between these provinces. There are no roads through the Doñana. Human buildings and habitation is not allowed with a few exceptions.The few people who live in the nature reserve survive naturally, without modern conveniences such as electricity.

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